Are Italians health-conscious enough?

Country news: Italy

July 2022

Research results of the propensity of Italians to keep their health status under control

The UniSalute Health Observatory in collaboration with Nomisma1, investigated the propensity of Italians to keep their health status under control.  Based on the survey, Italians are likely to neglect regular checkups and other preventative measures, with the pandemic creating a significant blow to the frequency of visits and specialized examinations for prevention.

According to the research, only one in three Italians (33 percent) have regular checkups to monitor their health status; the prevailing attitude is to seek care only when they begin to suffer from a disorder or disease, an attitude shared by nearly one in two Italians (48 percent). And while many confess to postponing visits when they have a negligible problem (46 percent), some (13 percent) explicitly say that they prefer to do as little as possible. It should come as no surprise, then, that the majority of Italians (54%) have never had a basic checkup such as a dermatological examination to assess moles.

The pandemic has further lowered the level of prevention: in the last two years one in five (20%) checkups has been canceled, and almost one in three (29%) postponed, for a total of almost one in two visits skipped or otherwise delayed. In the majority of cases (about 6 in 10), this was due to the person's own decision. In particular, the one that suffered the most was the preventive test par excellence, namely blood tests: almost one in four (24%) of these checkups, which are essential for the diagnosis of so many diseases, was postponed or canceled. But routine checkups such as dermatological and cardiological examinations were also reduced, with a postponement or cancellation rate of 17 percent and 14 percent, respectively.

Prevention? A habit for the few...

1 in 3 Italians get regular checkup

48% start treatment when they have a disorder or disease

46% put off visits when they have a negligible problem

13% explicitly say that they prefer to do as little as possible

The effect of the pandemic

Looking at the reasons, it is clear how all this is a direct consequence of the health emergency: in fact, the 38 percent of Italians who have had fewer checkups in the last two years motivate their choice either by a desire to avoid health facilities (21 percent), fearing a possible contagion, or citing the longer timeframe caused by the pandemic (17 percent). Considering only the past year, it is however consoling to find that the vast majority of the sample (83%) went to their primary care physician at least once.

The hope is that having returned to normalcy with a greater awareness of the importance of good health, Italians will increasingly make prevention a healthy habit.

The impact of the pandemic

49% postponed or canceled at least one specialist visit over the last two years

Most cancelled and postponed medical tests

24% blood tests

17% visits to dermatologist

14% cardiology examinations

How can UniSalute help?

UniSalute S.p.A., a sister company of UnipolSai Assicurazioni S.p.A. and a member of the Unipol Group, has been dedicated exclusively to providing healthcare insurance products and services for more than 25 years. UniSalute S.p.A. joined the International Group Program (IGP) in 2019.

  • UniSalute offers some of the best healthcare facilities available in the market. Their network encompasses thousands of affiliated healthcare facilities across Italy, including:
    • Hospitals and Clinics;  
    • Diagnostic Centers; 
    • Dentists; 
    • Psychotherapeutic Centers; 
    • Social Welfare Workers, Also at Home 
    • Spas 
  • UniSalute provides customers with integrated multi-channel tools to facilitate the use of services and improve integration.  The website, app and call center are different contact channels that are complementary and closely linked to provide the maximum efficiency of the services offered.  These tools allow insureds to:  
    • Book services at affiliated healthcare facilities; 
    • Update personal information and bank details; 
    • Request refunds by uploading or taking a picture of the documentation; 
    • Consult their own healthcare plans; 
    • Receive advice on the selection of the most suitable facility and quick confirmation of booking at that facility; 
    • Obtain information on their account statements and the status of refund requests;
    • Receive medical advice and tips on health and wellbeing;
    • Access the benefits of the exclusive UniSalute club with special discounts and promotions. 
  • UniSalute provides far more benefits than what is typically covered in traditional policies.  They offer innovative, customized and flexible healthcare plans, designed to meet the specific needs of the corporate world. UniSalute offers hospitalization, specialist services, high specialization and diagnostics and other innovative coverage, including: 
    • Dental care; 
    • Telemonitoring of common chronic diseases; 
    • Annual check-ups for prevention;
    • Prevention of metabolic syndrome;
    • Specific services for maternity, wellbeing and children; 
    • Home nursing aid; 
    • Emergency psychotherapeutic treatment 
    • Assistance services 24/7. 
  • UniSalute’s specialized staff of telephone operators and doctors is always at your service: 
    • 50 consultants address and evaluate costs and quality of care at affiliated facilities and doctors provide medical advice; 
    • UniSalute was the first insurance company in Italy to set up a scientific committee made up of 11 medical specialists in various fields for consultation and trend analysis.

Why partner with UniSalute S.p.A.?

Learn more about the advantages of partnering with UniSalute S.p.A., view their key figures, recent awards and recognitions and get in touch with the local IGP contact.

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