December 2023
Swiss Medical Seguros launches new digital platform to improve employee benefits services
Swiss Medical Seguros, as one of the main insurers for companies and related groups throughout Argentina, advances in the implementation of innovative solutions to improve employee benefits services.
In this regard, Swiss Medical Seguros has recently implemented the Adconema* digital platform to manage membership forms and update data, which facilitates and simplifies the processes of collecting data from policyholders both remotely and in person, reducing in-person contact as well as the use of printed stationery.
The platform generates a transparent and shared process for all users (client, intermediary and insurer), improving the administration of group insurance.
Other benefits to highlight are:
- Allows Human Resources to make 100% digital forms available to employees for joining and/or updating data for group insurance.
- The employee will be able to easily access the digital form from their own benefits website or by sending the link via email or instant messaging system.
- Allows risk control, as well as insurability requirements, health questionnaires and medical examinations.
- The form requires validation and electronic signature of the employee.
- All information collected can be shared with the client and intermediary online.
- Completing the form is an intuitive process, which reduces processing costs in the front and back office and avoids data editing errors.
- The user interface design is responsive, which allows it to be used on all types of devices (PC, notebook, tablet and cell phone).
- All users will be able to access and download the forms and extended health declarations online.
- No app installation required; it can be accessed directly from any web browser.
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