a.s.r. Vitality: Fitter, sustainable employees

Country news: Netherlands

December 2024

Netherlands: a.s.r. Vitality - for fitter, more sustainable employees

At the IGP Employee Benefits Forum in London back in April 2024, multiple sessions highlighted that well-being and vitality are key priorities for employers in today’s world. Five years ago, our Dutch partner a.s.r. launched a.s.r. Vitality to help employees better understand their health and encourage them to lead more active lifestyles.

Healthier and Happier Employees with a.s.r. Vitality

Vitality is an international well-being program active in over 40 countries, with more than 42 million members. a.s.r. is the exclusive partner of Vitality in the Netherlands, offering a.s.r. Vitality to employers and their employees. The program motivates both employers and employees to stay active and make healthier choices both in the short and the long term, supporting the physical, mental and financial health of employees. This is critical, as healthy employees are the foundation of every successful organisation. Higher vitality not only correlates lower absenteeism but also enhances mental and physical fitness, contributing to increased effectiveness, higher productivity, and greater job satisfaction. Therefore, a.s.r. Vitality is a valuable addition to any employer’s well-being program.

a.s.r. Vitality: Rewarding Healthy Choices

The significant health benefits of a.s.r. Vitality are crucial for both employees and employers. But why does the program work so effectively? a.s.r, Vitality is about: knowing your health, get moving and be rewarded for actively engaging in your health. The more employees invest in their health and increase their physical activity, the greater the rewards they earn. By taking steps and raising their heart rate through physical activity, they achieve goals and enhance their Vitality Status. In the a.s.r. Vitality Webshop, employees can redeem weekly, monthly, and status-based rewards, including discounts on a variety of products and activities. This approach is supported by research showing that rewarding healthy behaviour has a strong motivational effect:

  • 23% of participants become consistently active within one year.
  • 72% report that Vitality has improved their lives.
  • 90% state that the program has enhanced their physical health and mental well-being.

Widely Accessible Starting in 2025

In today’s world, these topics are increasingly pressing – not only because of the rising retirement age, which extends employees’ working years, but also due to the heightened daily pressures employees face. As such, investing in additional vitality and fostering a healthier workforce is more important than ever. Healthy employees who feel good about themselves and enjoy their work are less likely to experience absenteeism and are more likely to maintain their vitality throughout their careers.

a.s.r. recognizes the urgency of contributing to a healthier society. Their experience with the program shows that employees find it an accessible and appealing way to focus on their health. That is why a.s.r. is excited to announce that, starting in January 2025, a.s.r. Vitality will be available for all employers with health, income, or pension insurance through a.s.r., with no additional contribution required. This expansion aims to lower participation barriers and encourages more customers to engage with the program, ultimately inspiring employees to actively improve their physical, mental and financial well-being.

Why partner with a.s.r.?

Learn more about the advantages of partnering with a,s,r., view their key figures, recent awards and recognitions and get in touch with the local IGP contact.

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